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The favorite person of the youth is Mahbub Rasool Bhai - Md. Rifat Hossain


Mahbubur Rasool is one of my favorite name. Although I am not related to any political party, I like the ideals of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir. The way they call to Islam is satisfying to me. The way Rifat Bhai, Mazhar Bhai is inviting me to their team, he has no idea. My relationship with Mahbubur Rasool Bhai is not so much only for a few days. I liked the way he called people to Islam, which is why I would go to him if I saw him and got all my work. One day he came to our hostel, when all the students were having fun with him, he told us about his madrasa life, funny stories of college life. You have made us laugh a lot by listening to Ghazal and jokes. Then advised to go to picnic with them. Actually he is a funny and ideal student I love him. I went to college on 17, how did it look to me after finishing college. I felt like I am losing what but I don't understand what I have lost. Later I was sitting on the bus for some time and using Facebook, I saw that Mahbub Bhai is no more from Arman Bhai's ID. I couldn't believe later I got from some other IDs Mahbub Bhai is no more. I can't tolerate it anymore. At the end I knock on the ID of Mazhar brother. Now I came to know the truth that he is no more (Innalillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun) The person whose relationship with me is only for a few days. Why is this happening to me in my death? I have not yet got the answer to this question. I quickly go down to Baker bazar, then I used to be lodging in a house at Baker bazar . So I went home fresh and ate fast and left for the Dudmukha because I know his house is milkfaced, but I don't know which side of the Dudmukha house is that. Later I knocked Bipu brother and told him where to go. Later C. N. As soon as I got milked from G I saw some more people C. N. Waiting for Ji they will also go to that dear brother's house to see him last. When I went to that house, I found hundreds of people waiting to see my dear brother with one eye. Met many dear brother there. We met there with Mazhar bhai, Sarwar bhai, Atik bhai and many other brothers. Everyone is crying for dear brother. But Allah always takes the person he loves first. That day I saw how much people love him. That day I saw how proud the family and society are to have an ideal child. 


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